Artist Amber Vittoria's step into the nonfungible token world helped her go "fully abstracted." Think ribbons of color or shapes scattered across the page.
Why it matters: The NFT boom of 2021 fed creatives. As coin prices took off, a marketplace where those coins could be spent blossomed. A downturn in coin values threatens what Vittoria refers to as "the digital art renaissance" — also the name of the panel she led at NFT NYC.
Catch up fast: The soon-to-be LA-based artist started selling her work as nonfungible tokens, or NFTs, in March 2021. Now, she can support herself from it.
Of her journey into NFTs, Vittoria tells Axios: "It was very surprising. I went from struggling to find freelance work to prioritizing art."
Vittoria's first NFT was a CryptoPunk she bought with her husband in 2021 using money meant to buy a car.
Flashback: Vittoria's inaugural NFTs sold out, but she took a months-long break after and "lurked" on the internet, because "it didn't feel right continuing."
State of play: Vittoria went fully digital after that, like her painted works, but created digitally.
How it works: People can buy Vittoria's art on OpenSea with eth.
What's next: Her next drop of 999 collages comes July 15.
She warns newcomers of using social media to sell, which can draw super fans as well as haters.
Bottom line: "It's been life-changing," she said.
