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The long-awaited collection from Possessed Labs has finally unveiled mint details regarding their highly regarded NFT collection. As, by far, the most hyped NFT that almost no one comprehended, the team behind Possessed has been keeping details about their launch away from the public’s prying eyes. Now, with prices and dates set, the Possessed community is gearing up for one of the most significant drops this year.
Set to launch at the end of June, the team behind Pssssd has announced a “public raffle” for anyone wanting a chance during the public mint. Next week on the 14th, Psssd will release a link via Twitter for members to enter the raffle. Those looking to win a spot must connect their Discord and Twitter to the site as well as a compatible wallet with at least 0.35 ETH.
Those selected for the public raffle will have the chance to mint their possessed NFT at 0.35ETH. However, winning a raffle spot does not mean you are guaranteed an opportunity to mint. As with most notable collections, the public spots are overallocated. In short, the team has stated the only reason for the raffle system is to combat the high network fees.
After the raffle closes, the team will announce the winners nearer to the mint date. However, the team has stated that they are still looking for new “Test subjects” (allowlist). And will continue to run pre-mint events and experiments. With Test subject spots running until the raffle winners are announced (June 27th), there is plenty of time to try for a spot if you are just now joining the community.
Most collections use allowlist spots to break the mint up while ensuring the “OGs” have a guaranteed mint. Those lucky enough to achieve the “test-subject” title gain access to a guaranteed mint and a 0.1Eth discount! However, the allowlist winners must mint before the public opens. If not, then your really going to be Psssd.
Those wondering if they have won a spot can check through the Psssd discord or check here. The mint will support most major digital wallets, including MetaMask, Coinbase Wallet, and Brave.
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Web3 content Writer/Developer based out of Central Florida. Dedicated to building community and providing knowledge on the blockchain

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