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Hi everyone, about a decade ago I got an m.Arch and m.Sci in architecture. My first week studying architecture I got interested in parametric modeling with Grasshopper, and a year or two later Arduino/Raspberry Pi’s with IoT/smart environment sensing with interactive installations. My thesis back then was basically that data/information was a new material and needed to be better integrated to the built environment beyond slapping a screen on everything.
After graduating I went to work for one of the flat glass manufacturer’s R&D HQs working on integrating IoT sensors and various active glass tech like PDLC. Moved to India and worked in new product development for one of their big companies and got more and more into programming, eventually moving to Japan where I worked as an AI/ML developer for 2 or 3 years.
Back in grad school I used to build GPU workstations for a lot of people in my cohort and got exposed to bitcoin/etc (we didn’t mine though, because we had Nvidia GPUs for CUDA/Octane, and they weren’t as effective as AMDs).
Because of Covid, had more time on my hands, got into crypto again and came across NFTs, my immediate reaction to which was “why would anyone pay for a link to a JPG?” As a designer the easiest way to invalidate that statement was to think about what if they weren’t just links to JPGs (receipts), but something intrinsic to itself (more like a blueprint or sheet music).
Long story short, came up with and released an NFT on a proof of stake (no mining so no huge carbon footprint) blockchain that was heavily influenced by my architectural training/background. It sold out over 2 months, after which I was able to quit my job because of it.
When I was working on this project a year ago, I was optimistic about the future of this potential new medium. Of course it’s largely inundated with low effort monkey JPGs now, but I do think that a lot of architects are well suited to exploring the space more deeply, so I wanted to share it with you.
Anyways if you’re interested I give a presentation from minutes 4 to 17 roughly explaining the ideas, more info at if you’re curious.
I understand just about enough of this to know it’s just a silly tech-bro money pyramid scheme.
reminds me why i left architecture: mostly people who bitch and moan that no one understands them and doctors and lawyers get paid so much so why don’t they.
enjoy your magical pictures.
enjoy being a wage slave
That I am not, but that’s for the offer.
Doctors don’t hope they get rich by selling a link to a photo of your busted spleen, dipshit.
enjoying living off vc money that is being siphoned from other parts of the economy that are actually valuable
Value is perceived and determined at the point of transaction.
I sold roughly 1 million USD of NFTs during the primary sale, and they’ve gone on to sell about $3m over the past year on the secondary market.
no VC money, one of the collectors does have a Rothko though.
Value is perceived and determined at the point of transaction.
the fact that you think value can only be “determined” via transaction speaks volumes.
you were the one who put it in economic terms: “other parts of the economy that are actually valuable”
i said “parts of the economy that are valuable” (meaning an adjective describing the noun, economy..) you on the other hand, flipped the equation around and made a sweeping judgment about what constitutes value itself: money, and money only.
Architecture outside academia is really about money as the main thing that is valued. Square, you did kind of made it about money. This is because it is only the money that can be functionally siphoned in the context you were saying. You can’t really siphon the non-monetary value of other economies. No one would spend money into something unless there is a returned value on that investment. Sure, that can include non-monetary.
The whole sentence form you said -“enjoying living off vc money that is being siphoned from other parts of the economy that are actually valuable”.
You see, living off vc MONEY that is being siphoned from other parts of the ECONOMY. ECONOMY IS ABOUT MONEY. It’s kind of part of the definition of what economy is. You mentioned about NFTs but all of it is about money and the investment and transaction on the money. All VCs and INVESTORS are IN IT FOR THE MONEY AND EARNING MONEY. That is why they are in BUSINESS. Now, I am not saying anything pro or against NFTs. I frankly stay fairly clear from it.
Sure there is more ways to look at value than strictly about money but absolutely every building built from financing of a project involving VCs/investors, etc. are ALWAYS about money and that money is key to all investment analysis (PRO FORMA?) that developers will look into before dumping capital into such things. If there was nothing in value of NFTs, there wouldn’t be any investment going into that. In general, value IS determined at the point of transaction.
In the end, the value of any project on the economic side of things is decided when a sale is made. Be it your service. Be it the building/property is sold or rented/leased. You might perceive the value a lot more than what it is worth to others because if you are trying to sell your home (case example), the value of the home is what it is sold for. Sellers will always want to get paid the most and customers usually want to get it for as low as possible. Both sides have to compromise to reach a price tag that sells.
A lot of times, if you overprice than you don’t sell/rent/lease the property because no one wants to reach a deal. It is called NEGOTIATION (or haggling).Only when you can make the TRANSACTION (sales, lease, rent transaction) do you and the customer seals the deal and transact the money. Otherwise, it doesn’t happen. Plain and simple as that.
Thank you RCZ, that is exactly what I was getting at with value is determined at the point of transaction.
Alex, what you’ve not explained yet is why there is any value in any of this junk at all outside of just pimping this to the next gullible wanker. Are tech bros really boasting of their NFT collection like some sort of modern stamp collection? What does that $200 (or 2million) jpg get me other than the option to hawk for more to someone else?
It’s the wild west right now. There are legit collectors, some FOMO folks, and a lot more who are looking to flip their investments. It’s a damn shame there are so many shills and speculators crowding out the market. I think it’s a good thing more designers are getting involved and adding artistry to the works.
My intent was to try to share a potential interesting design problem with people who have a shared background/skill set that I think is very pertinent to the problem at hand.
“proof of stake (no mining so no huge carbon footprint)”
This is not true. Proof of stake still has mining, but you need previously mined crypto to STAKE in order to mine new crypto. It’s “saving” energy by limiting the number of miners to those who got in early. So basically the gold trade post gold rush. You’re still ruining the environment for a fucking text string in a blockchain.
no, not correct. Proof of Work runs on entropy, Proof of Stake runs on game theory.
I run a pool on some ARM systems that consume <15w of electricity each.
So you bought in. Great. Can I get in that proof of stake without buying any crypto?
If you could convince people to delegate (vote) for you on the network, you could participate in its consensus mechanism and receive rewards for doing so.
So I only need to buy a bunch of makeup from you, convince my friends to buy it from me and sell it to their friends, and we could all make money? Cool! Do I get a pink Cadillac if I prove enough steak?
enjoy your savings being inflated away by the central bank of your choice
You realize you’re just
a rube, right? You’re out on the street selling “NFTs” so the crypto scam can keep hoovering up real dollars from evet bigger fools.
If you think i keep my money in “savings” then you’re dumber than i thought.
Sorry, not used to architect’s having money to invest.
Also i’m not selling anything. the collection sold out and i’ve retired. My work has been discussed in a MoCA panel, so think whatever you want.
sick burn bro. you must have made a lot of money, hope it was worth the cost for the rest of us for you to get whatever sum you did. Hope you get out before it goes the way of Terra.
“i’m not selling anything. the collection sold out”
Let me rephrase since you seem a bit thick.
You realize you WERE just a rube, right? You WERE out on the street selling “NFTs” so the crypto scam COULD keep hoovering up real dollars from ever bigger fools.
Yup. hope you get out of architecture because most of the built environment is absolute shit.
Crypto is full of scams, but i’m not here to defend crypto.
You defend crypto every time you defend NFTs. There are no NFTs without crypto.
you defend the bankers and mortgage industry every time you design a building. there is no building without finance.
I don’t defend anybody. I do what I do with a lot of disgust and self loathing. Can you say the same?
if you don’t have to defend the bankers which enable your creative practice to exist, why should i take responsibility for a bunch of scammy crypto projects that have nothing to do with the blockchain i’m operating on?
Cardano is crypto.
then this is architecture (one thing is not responsible/guilty for everything in its discipline/space)
That’s absolutely architecture.
SneakyPete, Every project requires financial investment. NO ONE WORKS FOR FREE. EVERYONE IS A FERENGI. Everyone seeks wealth to some degree. I agree with you that architects values more than just money but money is what pays your bills, your food, etc. Without it, YOU LITERALLY WILL DIE. Now, having said that, you don’t have to like every aspect of economy, greed, and where too much emphasis on money is placed. However, as professionals, we have a limited scope of fiduciary responsibility. It is kind of inherent in the professional standard of care.
A better youtube explainer:
To quote a dead union organizer: “people are idiots, and idiots are
Alexander seems to be pointedly ignoring this one. Can’t imagine why.
Sorry, saw this when it came out. He gets a lot of his crypto stuff wrong, but yes, most every NFT is cringey low effort links to JPGs drawn by people on Fiverr.
What about your swirly squares makes your art less cringey?
What does he get wrong?
I’m interested in exploring the technical and cultural implications of a new technology, not just throwing links to JPGs on a chain. Guess we’ll see whose right about blockchains in the future.
As for what he gets wrong, can’t be arsed to rewatch that after wasting all the time I did the first time.
The success or failure of blockchains or NFTs won’t prove me wrong. Scams succeed every day. Doesn’t make them less of a scam.
Alex, you’re better off explaining your creative process, inspirations, and workflow. For instance, I’m interested in the tools of your trade and where you get your ideas. Too often, NFT artists just take an existing image and put it on the blockchain of choice – the NFT aspect of the work has no bearing on its artistic merit, only its dissemination. It’s as if the inventors of photography had simply gone around taking the most basic of photos to quickly sell to the public instead of exploring the new channels of creativity that the new media offers.
The photography example is one I often bring up as an example of a new medium finding its place in the larger art world.
As for inspiration, the video linked above talks a bit about what I mean by making art with a blockchain, as opposed to putting art (or monkey JPGs) on a blockchain.
That video is more directed at crypto people without a lot of cultural/art understanding, but recently I was able to participate in a panel discussion at MoCA Toronto on this (scroll down to Artist Talks – Creative Conversations: Blockchain Art and NFTs) if you’re interested in more, my part starts around 40 minutes in.
So the new (destructive) technology of blockchain, which was created for (and is still solely intended to) make a few people very rich, should be used as a new medium? Let’s not.
You’re right we should all just go back to primitive huts. Shelter and buildings are just a scam to make a few people very rich.
Reductio Ad Absurdum
Shelter and buildings are just a scam to make a few people very rich.
this kid is cracking me up.
Shelter, in this example, would only be a scam if the end product was a hologram or some other unusable/nonexistent thing. At least buildings are real and can be used for something other than financial scummaery.
Do you spend money on video games? If so, the whole video game world is fictional/virtual let you but it because you value it with a financial value to it. Now, you don’t even necessarily get a physical media and the game is just downloaded but the video game is not real. So it the cartoons, and such. You’d say it’s non-existent. On on hand, you can interpret that it is only valuable when its tangible… physical in nature. Yet if it isn’t really existent, you couldn’t play the video game. I am not a fan of NFTs but if it was really non-existent, crypto/NFTs wouldn’t exist at all. There’s actual real trade that occurs that is behind the whole crypto/NFTs. You can call it a scam. Perhaps. I am not too into it.
So Ricky, it’s just like tech bro Pokémon cards.
In my personal opinion, I wouldn’t risk an entire fortune on NFT/crypto. For services I render, I want to be paid in genuine currency. As for banks and inflation, well… the stuff we buy is still going to be subject to inflation because at some point, it has to be traded via real currency. Otherwise, it’s kind of like stock certificates or bonds or something. (loosely speaking) I am only playing small sums to see how this crypto stuff works.
your original question is unanswered – why would anyone prefer a digital image of artwork vs the physical thing? aside from the locusts who can’t get enough of buy and selling commodities with no intention other than to make more money, the answer is no one.
Sounds like Alex is working on generative art (Scripting with Python in one project, so quite a different workflow than say, painting). Unfortunately NFTs carry an increasingly heavy stigma due to all the shilling and speculating and low-effort schemes so headlining this thread with NFTs is probably asking for trouble! Casey Rehm works in this space too, though he’s been known as an architect-turned-algorithmic artist for years.
Alex raised some interesting questions on rarity/scarcity from what I’m hearing so far. The Sol Lewitt example is great. I like the idea of an artwork being generated continuously, by lot’s of ‘artists’ for eternity, beginning with a set of initial instructions.
Though I suppose that like a lot of modern art that shrugged off the exterior world to focus on the interior, generative art (blockchain or not) tends to intrigue rather than wow. They make you question their meaning but might not be the most beautiful things around.
I believe I answered it in the post,
I’m making things which exist “on chain” intrinsically, that are not just references to things stored elsewhere. In essence “what does the brick want to be” becomes “what does the NFT want to be”
If you know the difference between and SVG and a PNG, it’s a bit like that except taken a step further, code is just text and quite efficient to store directly on a blockchain.
If most NFTs are just receipts/deeds to a house, but not the house itself, what I’m doing is collapsing the receipt and the object that the receipt is referencing into one thing.
I’m intrigued by but don’t get the interactivity aspect of it. Sounds like the code stored in the blockchain is open for editing … or is it? So users/owners could edit their unique code and then contribute to creating a larger, ever-changing work? Reminds me of that r/places collage thing on Reddit last month.
You’re making art that can only be seen if I look at the Blockchain? Cool. Let me go install a monitor in my gallery.
@sneakypete – really? never seen any digitally generated work in a museum? did you learn architecture at notre dame or what?
@monosierra – anything stored on chain is basically immutable (unchangeable) so no it’s not editable. I have released it in an open source manner and encourage people to play with it/remix it however, which a lot of people have done.
You can digitally generate art without destroying the environment to the degree that NFTs do and without putting money in the pocket of grifters, like crypto does.
What does the blockchain do for your art that you couldn’t so with basic programming but without the extreme cost to the planet and without the enriching of profit-seeking users of the blockchain? The blockchain is not inherent to your work, and nothing in your talk even tries to claim otherwise. Post the code, don’t use crypto. Even proof of stake is bad for the environment, just because it’s not AS bad as proof of work doesn’t make it good. The use of the blockchain is a gimmick. You’re using a costly gimmick.
Do you render your architectural designs (or have others do it for you?) If so you’ve used more electricity than I have making and distributing these NFTs.
That’s patently false. Every addition to the ledger used all of the prior electricity for the entire chain. That’s how it works.
Also, the statement of you waking up to the idea of people “plinking” and “supporting you” is a joke. You’re trying to make as much as you can with as little work as possible. You’re not convincing me.
edit: return as submit is kicking my ass.
Pete, never mind the energy use, what about just the amount of brain power used to create all these false intellectual gymnastics just to convince other idiots to buy into this jive? That alone could wipe out world hunger, or save New Jersey, or make a better pot of coffee.
You supposedly sold a million dollars worth of art as a nobody. There’s a worthy discussion of the value of art to be had, but the fact that you sold that much as a nobody just indicates how much of a scam this shit is. Even nobody’s works are being bought in the hopes of finding a bigger fool after the initial purchase.
Yes because names make art better
You missed the point, my dude. I didn’t say that. You got bought out because the scam needs fuel. You’re the fuel.
Also you have a lot of misunderstanding about “the ledger” and various chains/resource usage. Have a nice night.
If you would care to educate me, I will listen. I wager you’ll just walk away instead.
Lots of first generation chains (BTC) and second gen (ETH) etc used a ton of power.
I used to mine BTC in grad school, but stopped because of FPGAs and ASICs coming online in China causing the tech to become centralized and using dirty coal as you point out.
Current gen blockchains mostly operate on proof of stake, they do not share any ledger with the previous generations, and the amount of power it requires to run a full node is insignificant (10-15w/node compared to 300-500w per GPU in PoW)
Insignificant when compared to proof of work. Not insignificant over all.
Nope, just insignificant. 10-15w is like an LED light bulb per node.
3.5 million led bulbs so you can get paid for programming a computer to make swirly squares. Job well done, guys. Time to pack it in.
edit: meant to submit as a reply, been a while since i used archinect
This bullshit gives me a headache. As the dude famously said in the Big Lebowski “I still jerk off manually”
I’m not jerking off much these days, but if you have any tips let me know.
All of this sounds like jerking off to me…
you must be fun in bed
give the tech bro wanker enough rope and they’ll hang themselves 5 times over with their silly blockchain nonesense.
“Art should be useless.” -Alexander Watanabe
I’d say you’ve made that abundantly clear.
art vs design 101
Good night archinect!
Glad to know some places never change.
Don’t forget to take your spammy jpgs with you when you leave.
Thanks for confirming the level of your reading comprehension. Also, I don’t have any more as all 31,119 of them sold out over a year ago. Cheers.
NS, right-click, save-as.
Is that what tech douches call art these days?
@sneakypete – go and sell it. each one of the NFTs which contain the code that generates those images regularly sell for $400 each.
@nonsequitur – is this what passes for discourse on archinect these days?
Don’t think you understand the meaning of discourse but good for you that you found enough suckers to waste money on this garbage. Everyone needs a
now that you’ve shown visual evidence of this “art,” i’m decidedly convinced this is indeed a pyramid scheme.
Probably not the best examples to show here, Alex. I’m pretty sure you can easily script more complex permutations and patterns than the simple ones demonstrated in the video discussion? That question you raised about what the (at present bubbly) market wants versus what generative art can easily create was thought provoking.
It’s a color study over all the ways a simple set of primitives which are the building blocks of almost every digital image (a red, green and blue channel) can be added/rotated/multiplied over each other.
Anyways, as mentioned elsewhere, it was good enough to get me a panel in a Museum of Contemporary Art, so I’m fine with whatever the professional architects here think.
Thank you monosierra for making this not a complete waste of my time.
God forbid we challenge you in the thread you created for self promotion.
“Is that what tech douches call art these days?” well… kind of. I seen that kind of stuff done on an Amiga 500, 30+ years ago with procedural machine language code.
How much did you pay to mint your artwork?
Didn’t pay anything until someone made a purchase.
I worked with a German guy (an undergrad student, in the video linked in OP) who I’d never met before. The fees to mint on the network I chose are nominal, around ~$0.50 USD.
how did you market your artwork?
I hate marketing.
I communicated what I was doing on Twitter and it resonated with people. Did interviews on YouTube like the one linked above.… if you’re interested
You hate marketing? I think this took some marketing savvy and a fair bit of work to pull off.
I hate marketing, too. That’s why I make videos and Twitter posts advertising my “art.” For the love of art.
@axon it’s interesting to connect with other people and see how they react and perceive the work, not interested in artificial hype which is very prevalent in the nft space
Pete you’re pretty popular too: https://
You’ve dug quite the pointless hole for you. Enjoy your empty pyramid.
Fun stuff. Hello cryptobros.
The circle jerk of Twitter pointing at the circle jerk of archinect.
If by circlejerk of archinect, you mean you and non sequitur with your hands wrapped around each other’s non structural members, then yes I agree.
Square may or may not be present for bracing.
I’m glad you’ve dispensed with the pretense of civility and embraced your inner 4chan. Run home to your moral support Twitter followers why don’t you?
ah yes, the refined spirit who brings up circle jerks and then feigns outrage.
I was merely quoting one of your Twitter horde.
Sorry Pete, they did say some mean things about you. Hope you’re fulfilled in your daily activities. I suggest finding a career that doesn’t require you to hate yourself.
I don’t hate myself. I was interested in what you might have had to say. You ran for backup instead of sticking around and educating me (which was supposedly why you were here.) If you want to latch on to one comment, fine.
Literally explained to you how much electricity is used per node, scroll up. BTW, about 10,000 nodes (not 3.5m) run the Cardano network, an analysis of which I ran last year can be found here:
As for latching on, yeah I tend to conduct myself in a way that doesn’t require me to hate myself, so it was a pretty impactful statement on your part.
Ignorance is bliss.
Yes, clearly after doing an undergrad degree in literature, 2 masters in architecture, working 3 years in R&D in Michigan, then 3 years doing the same in Mumbai and 3 years in Tokyo where I taught myself AI/ML development and now retiring in Portugal at 36 – I’m an extremely ignorant individual. Please tell me more oh sneakiest of pete’s on how to become more self aware and come to the the great understanding and accomplishments that you have.
Why so defensive?
or go back to revit and finish those bathroom details. if you want to release an NFT collection of CAD Monkeys i usually look down my nose at JPG NFTs, but i’ll make an exception in your case because of the bond we’ve formed
Good talk, bud.
Good luck Pete. Enjoy the loathing of self, if that gets too painful, just try to focus on the finance bros you’re dependent on.
That comment really got to you, didn’t it?
Extremely alarming and sad to think that someone could be so defeated and resigned to that existence.
Or you might have missed the point.
Someone should turn this thread into a NFT.
There would be a sick irony if I could sell it as an NFT for more than his collection is worth. But I have better things to do with my time than try to leverage the scam of the moment to get rich quick. This dude wins the lottery and tells everyone it’s the best way to make a living.
what about NFTs of pictures of bridges? Then we can add new life to that classic idiom.
Do it, wish you luck. You’ll probably just sit around shitposting on archinect though.
^ more meaningful than running a digital faux-art ponzi scheme
Why? The troll’s bad car salesman jive is powering my bitcoin windmill.
You got one thing right, there are several people in this thread tilting at windmills.
What about just a lazy lean?
Lazy (in the lethargic sense) is probably the one adjective I wouldn’t use to describe your positions: good to see my some of the architectural vigor of studio spring forth in your positions.
Ah, negative. But thanks for trying. Hawk your shit in your own closed circles. They’ve already invested in it, so they need to keep digging to get out.
Fundamentally misunderstood what I was attempting to do.
As i’ve written many times over, the collection sold out a year ago, I have nothing to hawk or sell you. I thought some architects would enjoy thinking about a new sort of materiality, that’s all.
Apologies for wasting your, but mostly my, time.
Negative, again. We’re all well aware of what you’re attempting to do. Sorry, we’re just not that thirsty for koolaid right now.
I don’t know enough about NFT’s other than how to take the technology apart like anything similar.
1. Some NFT implementations are inherently reliant on JPEG image formats? As a buyer of said NFT’s I’d ask and require some proof of originality and quality. JPEG does not meet that bar.
2. TIFF are still reproducible, still the same problem
3. If you make it, we will break it.
4. It’s a dogshit tech bro interpretation and valuation of art and proponents of doing are advertising themselves as a target.
As explained above, i’m neither reliant on JPGs, or TIFFs.
If you’ve ever used Grasshopper or any other parametric modeler you probably know that the files are much smaller than a normal CAD model as it’s just storing a few numbers and operations on those numbers to generate the entire model.
This allows the entire instruction set to fit “on chain” and for the NFTs i made not to just be “links to JPGs”
I found the process rather fun trying to figure out something expressive and visually interesting that would fit within 16KB, reminded me a bit of studio days and how constraints can be freeing to the design process.
Alex, don’t pay the haters any mind. And do yourself a favor and get out of this pit of snakes. They are just unhappy people pretending to be righteous…and as soon as you put debate then they will cry like little girls for your removal.
Thank you jla, I used to spend a lot of time on here back in grad school so I’m not toooooo surprised.
Alex, jla is not the kind of supporter you want. It’ll make you go from (lucky) MLM hack to murder lovin pundit in a flash. Not a good look.
shit. guilty by association.
knew i should have caught up on the goings on of archinect between asking for m.arch portfolio advice 10 years ago and now.
These folks on here are anti freedom snobs….they hate liberty, they hate the unregulated freedom of crypto and nuts…because they distrust their fellow citizens…because they think that they are better than. These are elitists with authoritarian tendencies.
nfts, not nuts* damn autocorrect
jLAX no one is hating on crypto or “freedom” here, we are just saying that the NFTs the OP is presenting are shit.
this is the irony of the right which bemoans cancel culture but then falsely equivocates criticism with “hating freedom and liberty.” quite the tautology, but to be expected from an ideology with no ideas other than opposition to things.…
The current state of NFT art is best described as “visual dogshit,” the artist and provocateur Brad Troemel argued in a recent Instagram slideshow. Nobody actually cares what these images look like, Troemel said, so long as they can be produced quickly in large quantities, while also avoiding risky artistic gestures that might alienate crypto bros.
love it
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